Travel details

Cover Details
Annual Multi-Trip Cover is insurance that applies all year round rather than just for one single journey or holiday. The maximum trip duration of any one Insured trip is 31 days unless a trip extension has been applied. A Single Trip is a single journey or holiday. The maximum trip duration is 180 days.
Family and couple shall mean the insured and married spouse or common law partner or couples who have been cohabiting partners for more than 6 months and their unmarried dependent children (including adopted, foster and step-children) under 18 or, if still in full-time education, under 23. Children are only covered when travelling with you or your husband, wife or partner (other than unmarried dependent children aged 17 years and under who can travel independently of their parent(s) provided the insured trip does not exceed 21 days duration).
EUROPEAN COVER: Republic of Ireland; Continent of Europe west of the Ural Mountains; any other country or island with a Mediterranean coastline (excluding Algeria, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon and Syria), the Azores, Canary Islands, United Kingdom, Iceland and Madeira.

WORLDWIDE COVER: Anywhere in the World.
The maximum duration of any one insured trip is 31 days (increasing to 60 days where shown in your policy Schedule and where the appropriate additional premium has been paid)
Optional - up to €900. This section applies only if the additional premium for Winter Sports Cover has been paid and Winter Sports Cover is shown on the policy schedule. Winter Sports Cover is included for a maximum of 21 days per Trip on Annual Multi-Trip policies. Cover includes the accidental loss, damage or theft of your Winter Sports equipment plus the reasonable costs of hiring replacement Winter Sports equipment following a loss. In addition, compensation for piste closure and delays due to avalanche.
You will not be covered for:
Claims arising out of undertaking those activities listed in the policy booklet as excluded; Piste closure or losses arising from avalanche in your resort if your trip is undertaken before 1st January or after the 16th April.
Remove baggage and money cover for a premium discount.
People Insured
Proposers must be 18 years or over.
Family and couple shall mean the insured and married spouse or common law partner or couples who have been cohabiting partners for more than 6 months and their unmarried dependent children (including adopted, foster and step-children) under 18 or, if still in full-time education, 23.
Children are only covered when travelling with you or your husband, wife or partner (other than unmarried dependent children aged 17 years and under who can travel independently of their parent(s) provided the insured trip does not exceed 21 days duration).
Optional - up to €1,800. This section only applies if the additional premium for Golf cover has been paid and golf cover is shown in the policy schedule. This section provides cover up to a maximum of 17 days in total during the policy period. Cover includes loss or damage to golf equipment following loss, theft, damage or delay. There is no cover for losses not reported to the police or appropriate authorities within 24 hours of discovery and a written policy report obtained. You will not be covered for losses from unattended vehicles unless kept in the rear boot or luggage area of the vehicle and covered so as not to be visible from outside the vehicle, and there is evidence of forcible and violent entry.
Optional - up to €1,800. This section only applies if the additional premium for Golf cover has been paid and golf cover is shown in the policy schedule. This section provides cover up to a maximum of 17 days in total during the policy period. Cover includes loss or damage to golf equipment following loss, theft, damage or delay. There is no cover for losses not reported to the police or appropriate authorities within 24 hours of discovery and a written policy report obtained. You will not be covered for losses from unattended vehicles unless kept in the rear boot or luggage area of the vehicle and covered so as not to be visible from outside the vehicle, and there is evidence of forcible and violent entry.
Your Details
Start of cover
Cover for cancellation, (see Section 5 of your Policy Booklet) starts on the “Cover Start Date” (issue date for single trip policies) shown on your policy schedule or from the date the insured trip is booked (whichever is later) and terminates with the start of the insured trip. In respect of all other cover in the policy, cover starts from the effective date when you leave your usual place of residence to start the insured trip, and continues until the time of your return to your usual place of residence or business on completion of the insured trip.
End of the Cover.
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